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Bienvenue sur le site de la FSEA Abu Dhabi website!

Welcome to the FSEA Abu Dhabi website!

Presentation of the French Sport and Event Association

Created in 2015, the FSEA France is an association law 1901.


The aims of the FSEA are:

  • Promote the good practice of sport.

  • Organize sporting, cultural and promotional events in France and abroad.


FSEA Abu Dhabi was established in 2017.

Logo FSEA Abu Dhabi
Mieux ensemble avec la FSEA Abu Dhabi

FSEA missions in Abu Dhabi

  • Welcome French-speaking associations and allow them to operate legally and independently in the UAE (commercial license, bank account, MOHRE...).


  • Promote French know-how through the organization of local and international events, and make them known to as many people as possible.

Associations affiliated to FSEA Abu Dhabi

EFR Abu Dhabi, affiliated to the FSEA
UFE Abu Dhabi, affiliated to the FSEA
CAPE Abu Dhabi, affiliated to the FSEA

FSEA Abu Dhabi Partners

Madame Magazine, Partner of the FSEA Abu Dhabi
CCI France UAE, Partner of the FSEA Abu Dhabi
Mental Plus, Partner of the FSEA Abu Dhabi
CT Consultancy, Partner of the SEA Abu Dhabi
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